What is box 11 Exempt interest dividends

This is confusing. Is this box 11 amount the same as U.S. Government obligations?

2 pages later where it has the first box asking if a portion of these dividends are U.S. Government Interest, does this mean a portion of those exempt dividends in box 11?? So the exempt divs are the total amount for all states and then i figure out what part was for my state i guess and that is the amount i put in there?

Also, for one of my investments the inv co sent a form with the % of u.s. obligations by fund and some of those funds i own, but there was nothing in box 11 for exempt dividends on the 1099-Div.  Shouldnt there be an amount in box 11 if one of the funds i own has u.s. obligations?  maybe i need a tax accountant. this is giving me a headache.