Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Some info for all that have these issues:

I bought it from on CD ... It installed and activated fine.

But then I ran into the update glitch. I was going to redownload from

TurboTax, but when I entered the License code on my account, it said it

was associated with some other email. Not sure if Amazon buys these in

bulk on a corporate email and one license key for all buyers.


Today, I went and checked for a newer manual update file at Turbotax

and found this one version (189MB .. version 151 0100)

@RLFBAF565 wrote:

I had the same problem.  I had received 2020 Turbo Tax Deluxe on a CD and it would not update when it reached the update cycle.  I spent hours trying to talk to someone at Turbotax and finally reached a real person.

The solution to the update problem was resolved by deleting the CD version and re-installing a download version.  Now it seems to work OK.  This is the second year in the row I have had problems and they seem to come from the fact the Turbotax Programmers do not do adequate testing before releasing.  Their approach seems to be "let the users test the software" which is disgusting.  


w_perrelsuperpatch_ttax_[phone number removed].exe

@RLFBAF565 wrote:

I had the same problem.  I had received 2020 Turbo Tax Deluxe on a CD and it would not update when it reached the update cycle.  I spent hours trying to talk to someone at Turbotax and finally reached a real person.

The solution to the update problem was resolved by deleting the CD version and re-installing a download version.  Now it seems to work OK.  This is the second year in the row I have had problems and they seem to come from the fact the Turbotax Programmers do not do adequate testing before releasing.  Their approach seems to be "let the users test the software" which is disgusting.  

Downloaded it, ran it,, installed fine. Opened program and it went to check for

updates to my state download. It did that and they installed fine, no error message.

So whatever glitch they had in the software seems to be fixed.