Did anyone get a email from TurboTax asking about stimulus?

Update my bank information after my stimulus payment was returned.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Thank you! I was worried I shouldn’t have done it after the fact 

Returning Member

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

I too was worried and totally regretted filling out my bank info like an idiot. I was like, "Holy S***! Did I just fall for a phishing scam?"  I promptly called TurboTax (2 times) and checked with them about this. They specifically didn't know, but said that something like that was happening.  I also saw this link,  




However, it could be a very good phishing scam. My bank account hasn't been cleared out yet, and hopefully it won't, but I wish TurboTax would inform their employees this is out there so they could reassure those of us who call that this is legitimate.  

Returning Member

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

UPDATE -- Contacted Intuit Security about the email and received this response:


"Thank you for providing us with that information and for bringing this to our attention. We have confirmed that this is a legitimate email and it is safe to trust any content and/or links in the email."

Best regards,
Intuit Security