Get your taxes done using TurboTax

This happened to me too. On my 2018 filing that I did in early 2019, it imported the taxable info amount from 2017. Shouldn't it just be importing the contact info details from the employer to save time? I wouldn't think it would import numerical values for fields that need to be verified and updated each year. But also, if there are issues migrating, why not turn the feature off until it's 100% certain it's functioning properly?


Want to know how I learned that this happened? The hard way through an audit and back taxes.


I have only used the web software version and have used it for years but it seems as thought there is likely  a major issue with migrating data (which literally has no room for error especially when dealing with people's taxes).


No more TurboTax for me. Better off paying double to have it done right, someone who knows what they are doing and will likely actually help you if you are audited. This is the second time, an error on Turbo Tax resulted in learning a mistake was made with the filing (one year, they included a tax credit/deduction for a grad school credit that was only suppose to be applied to federal taxes but they applied it to state as well. then the state audited and said, we don't even offer that deduction and voila, back taxes are owed and the only person accountable is you).