I filed my federal tax return by mail in March, but never got any refund. I just got my refund from last year's and want to try to file electronically. How do I do this?

I originally filed  by mail because I did not know my refund from last year was available.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Once you filed your return by mail, the IRS does not want you to also efile your return. They request that you not do that. 

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

They just started opening the mail in June that's been stacking up. So you have to keep waiting.


See this IRS page for the latest information



Is it showing up at IRS Where's my refund yet?



Make sure you are using the refund amount from your actual federal tax return and not the combined amount Turbo Tax showed you at the end.  That was for federal and state combined.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

It is not showing up on IRS Where's my refund, and never has, which is why I am worried. I did not file state taxes.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Surely there's something I can do other than just not get my refund?

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

It will not show up on the Where's My Refund site until they start processing your return. They aren't processing mailed returns and haven't been for some time.