Returning Member

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Thanks Karen. 


For sure this is the way to get around the "missing state and zip" glitch. The problem comes from when using a US based institution card's address for payment and before the MAX consent check.  To get around that, following Karen's advice I:

1) changed my foreign address to the address of the billing address for the card I used,

2)  made it past the MAX glitch state and zipcode check to sign the consent form

3) at the final "check your information" page I went back to the beginning and deleted my US address

4)  Selected "Foreign address" again and filled that out with my true and original address

5) checked the rest of my information and filed my taxes.

6)  bookmarked Karen's helpful solution for next year when I forget TurboTax can't be bothered to fix the glitch.