Get your taxes done using TurboTax

@Jasonwi70 wrote:



   I have already filed both 2018 & 2019 individual tax return. In both years, I do NOT owe & getting refund on my Federal Return, therefore, I do NOT allow to enter my bank info on 1040 Form. However, I get refund on my State Return, and I actually provide my bank info on “State” Tax Form. Base on my description, does anyone know whether IRS already had my bank account information for sending the payments ?



Your post is unclear and seems to make conflicting statements. If you did NOT get a Federal refund for either 2018 or 2019, it's unlikely that the IRS got your bank info from your state return. In theory they could (most though not all state returns are transmitted thru the IRS to state tax agencies), but the IRS would have to deal with differing formats from the 40-plus states that have state income taxes and might not have access to it after transmitting it to the state; and that wouldn't help people who owe state taxes.