TT will not accept a value for Schedule E Worksheet?

Hi there

TurboTax wants me to review taxes and does not accept $0 or 1 in this box, and does not let me proceed.

Any thoughts please?

Thank you.



Get your taxes done using TurboTax

The line should be blank if there is nothing in any of the lines below, a through h.   Go back and make sure there's nothing showing red anywhere on those lines. Remove the zero or one.

You will find this interview by editing the property in question and then editing the miscellaneous expenses section.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

I tried removing 0 and 1 (leaving it blank) and it still does not let me proceed to next step.

When I scroll down the Schedule E Worksheet I do not see anything red.


Any other thoughts please?


Thanks so much.