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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

I spent an hour and a half on the phone last night with a rep who would "not let go" of the call. My dinner had been sitting for over a half hour, I told her 3 times a ticket needed to be escalated, she sent me a link to fill out the email notification instead and closed the ticket!!!!

The manual state update didn't work because it is saying the installer can't continue because the program may be missing (I'm looking right at it and it's not), or the upgrade patch may update a different version (more than likely the cause since it downloaded state updates a few days ago).


TT, this needs to be fixed ASAP!!! After spending 90 minutes on the phone with a rep who kept saying, "give me one sec." and "dddoooo dooooo deeeeee doooooo" in my ear I am not happy. When she sent the link at the end of the conversation I had already asked her if she needed my screen anymore and she said yes. I sat there for another 20 minutes while she "documented everything" only to get the link and have her literally tell me "noooo" (like a child pouting that didn't get it's way) when I told her I would do it later and I was going to eat my cold dinner.


After using TT for decades I am seriously thinking about switching to another company.