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How to import 2018 tax return for 2019 taxes

I used turbo tax to file my taxes in 2017 and credit karma for 2018. For 2019 I am using Turbotax again but I see that it has 2018 taxes recorded as if I had filed with them. When I open the 2018 document that turbotax has saved, it is just a blank 1040 form with all zeros filled in. How can I import my actual 2018 tax return from the pdf generated by credit karma to my turbo tax account? When I try to fill out my 2019 taxes turbo tax is using that blank 2018 form to "pre-fill" my information but it is using all zeros for any numerical values. Even if I can't import the credit karma PDF is there a way to overwrite the "pre-filled" data that turbotax is pulling?

