Get your taxes done using TurboTax

How do I import my 1099?

You can securely import your 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-OID, or 1099-R into TurboTax, provided your broker or financial institution participates in our TurboTax Partner program.

When you get to the place in TurboTax where we ask if you received that form, answer Yes and we'll give you the option to import.

You can also jump straight to the section for your specific 1099 form. Here's how:

  1. With your return open, search for the form – For example, search for “1099-B”.
  2. Click the Jump to link in the search results.
  3. Now follow the screens and you’ll be able to import your form.

Tip: When selecting your financial institution or brokerage from the list, be sure to select the right one. For example, several participating partners' names start with First National Bank and if you select the "wrong" First National Bank, you won't be able to import.

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