For 2016,age 22,I paid kiddie tax and AMT.For 2017,not a student,TT shows I get a credit for the 2016 AMT. No 2017 earned income (only taxable grants).Is credit correct?

I am currently supported by taxable government research grants reported on form 1099-G, which are considered unearned income by the IRS.  In 2016, because I was under 24 and a full time student for 5 months, and the grants are considered unearned, I was subject to the Federal kiddie tax and AMT.

I understand that for 2017 as 23-yr-old who was not a full-time student at all during 2017, I am no longer subject to the kiddie tax on the grant income.  However, I am surprised that Turbo Tax shows that I can get a credit for the AMT I had to pay in 2016 under the kiddie tax rules. Specifically, on Form 8801 line 9, I am not sure I am entitled to show the full $53,900 as I am still under the age of 24 and did not have EARNED income in 2017.  Could you please confirm for me that I am truly entitled to the AMT credit?