Get your taxes done using TurboTax

In order to e-file your State tax return you have to have already e-filed your Federal tax return and have it accepted before it will allow you to e-file your State return . Also, it may be due to some State forms are not yet available, so you would have to wait until they are ready. Please see the state forms availability table below to see if all your State tax forms are ready. If all of your State forms are available to e-file, according to the chart below, then please follow the steps below to complete your State return.

Once your state forms are ready, you have e-filed your Federal tax return and it has been accepted, then you can follow the steps below to file your State return:

  1. Login to your TurboTax account.
  2. In the Welcome Home box, click Visit My Tax Timeline at the bottom.
  3. In the SOME THINGS YOU CAN DO section, click Add a state.
  4. Click on the State Taxes tab.
  5. Click Continue to start or complete your state taxes.
  6. Click Done with State.
  7. Continue through the flow to review and file your state taxes.

You may want to review the State Taxes section to confirm the return is complete.