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To add the Innocent Spouse Relief (Form 8857) using TurboTax:

1. Sign In  or Open TurboTax

2.  Select "Take me to my return" (Online)

3.  Select "My Account" (top right of the screen Online) 

4.  Select "Tools" (Online)

5.  Select "Topic Search" (Online) and "Search Topics" (center top of screen on TurboTax Desktop)

6.  Type " Injured Spouse " and press "enter"

7. Answer the interview questions.

Some of the interview questions in TurboTax to file Form 8379 (Injured Spouse Allocation) and Form 8857 (Innocent Spouse Relief) are on the same screens

**Just answer the questions for the Form you want to complete and leave any other questions blank.

See FAQ below about Innocent and Injured Spouse: