2017 TT application deleted.How transfer 17 carryover data to 18 return? TT expert said reload 17 app, process 17 data, load 18 app & transfer 17 CO data normal.Not work.

2017 TT application was accidently.  I don't want to enter all the data carried over from 2017 return to 2018 return (names, addresses, financial institutions, details on capital gains carryover, classes of misc. itemized deductions, categories of ATM, etc.  So would like to use the 2017 data carryover to 2018 feature in TT.  TT expert said to load my 2017 version of TT, read into the 2017 app the 2017 data file.  Load my 2018 TT Premier version and transfer the 2017 C/O data to the 2018 return.  Tried but it did not work.  How can I transfer the 2017 carryover data to 2018 without doing it manually.  I might have gone too far in loading the 2018 app with personal data, etc.  I might have to delete the 2018 file.  How do I do that and reload the 2018 application?