Level 15

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

The only difference between a DBA, which is a sole proprietorship, and a single member LLC for tax purposes, is the spelling. That's it. Both are considered a disregarded entity for tax purposes. Your business structure did not change one iota, while at the state level the business "type" may have. You had no need to apply for a new EIN. I recommend you not even use the new EIN.

If you use the new EIN then you have to close the old business with the old EIN, and open a completely new business with the new EIN. That means you'll be filing two SCH C's for the tax year, and just creating a bunch of unnecessary work on your part.

I suggest you ignore the new EIN and file one SCH C with the old EIN and press on with life. It doesn't matter that the name of the business may have changed either. File the SCH C with the most current business name under the old EIN and be done with it.