New Member

I want to buy and download Turbo Tax, how do I do that? Also why is Amazon much cheaper that your site?


Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Except for rare early discounts....TTX isn't allowed to cut their price below Retail.,,otherwise the outlets they send to won't carry their product

Any of the  other certified outlets are allowed to reduce their price to whatever they can tolerate.

Just buy, download or get a CD from Amazon, or any of the well-Known Big-box stores...don't ever get from some supplier you've never heard of.  Be careful when buying Deluxe...some versions come without a at the very cheapest prices you have to read it to make sure it includes 1 free state download.  (still costs to e-file the state...except NY)

____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

", download or get a CD from Amazon......"

I want to buy 2018 Premier CD.  Amazon is an authorized reseller of Turbo Tax products.  When I go to Amazon I am referred to their vendors page, with sellers such as mjentertainment, OEM XS INC., Xcess limited etc.  Are these sellers considered authorized b/c they are selling from Amazon?  Is it safe to buy these CD's?  They are very inexpensive, I am assuming because the 2018 main tax season is over.  Amazon is the only reseller listed on PaulaM's June 6, 2019 post (originated by Mayrneh) that still has these CD's available.  I do not want to buy a potentially unsafe CD but I would like to save $100.

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Where can I buy the TurboTax software?

Current-year TurboTax software can be purchased at:

  • com
  • Popular retail and electronics stores like Costco, Staples, Target, Sam’s Club, Office DepotMax, BJ’s Warehouse, Fry’s, and Meijer
  • Select online stores such as ( just because a third party sells thru Amazon doesn't mean they ARE amazon ... be wary of any non Amazon sellers even on the Amazon site ... and FYI ... when using the Downloaded version you do NOT need to use the Premiere version unless you want to ... All the downloaded versions can handle all tax situations ...   so if you do not need a state or importing from It's Deductible then buy the Basic version otherwise Deluxe will work fine ... as already stated the DLX is sold with & without the state program so beware) 

TurboTax software for the last 3 tax years is also available at

Related Information:

Be very aware that if you find a "too good to be true price" from an unknown seller then it is too good to be true ... unauthorized resellers often sell pirated versions that can contain malware &/or spyware among other things. Caveat Emptor… let the buyer beware.