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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Yes, you can enter this Form W-2 into TurboTax Home & Business Online edition.

To jump back to that place in your return:

  1. Select the TurboTax "Search" button near the top right of your screen
  2. Type "w-2" into the search box
  3. Pick "Jump to w-2" from the results list
  4. You can add a Form W-2 or edit your existing W-2
  5. When you reach the entries for Boxes 18, 19, and 20, enter the information from the first row on your W-2
  6. Click on "Add another row" under Box 18 (See attached image "AddAnotherRow181920" below)
  7. Input the information from your the second line of your W-2