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New York State form IT-2105.9 is not being populated correctly from the Tax paymentworksheet by Turbo Tax causing a false underpayment of estimated taxes.

New York State form IT-2105.9 is not being populated correctly from the Tax payment worksheet by Turbo Tax, causing a false underpayment of taxes penalty. The error begins in line 26, column B of the form and continues through line 26, column D, creating erroneous calculations along the way. More specifically:

column A is the only one that is correct,

column B which should contain the 2nd quarter estimated tax payment is blank,

column C which should contain the 3rd quarter payment contains the 2nd quarter payment,

column D which should contain the 4th quarter payment contains the 3rd quarter payment,

and the 4th quarter payment is missing completely.

Apparently there's a bug in the process that transfers the tax payment worksheet numbers to IT-2105.9

The program will not let me update the form with the correct numbers. I've tried every work around I can think of.  I didn't underpay my taxes and April 15 is fast approaching so I'd appreciate a resolution soon.