Get your taxes done using TurboTax

You don't specify exactly what type of income you need to delete, but the process is straightforward.  I just went through this procedure successfully in the free Online version.  To remove this income in TurboTax Online:

  1. Select Tax Home in the left pane
  2. On the Hi, let's keep working on your taxes! screen, select the dropdown to the right of Wages & Income
  3. Select StartPick up where you left off or Review/Edit, as appropriate
  4. Select Add/Edit to the right of Miscellaneous Income, 1099-A, 1099-C
  5. On the  Let's Work on Any Miscellaneous Income page, select Revisit to the right of whichever type of income you previously reported
  6. Remove all inappropriate information on the ensuing pages

If you continue to have issues, post back with the type of income you've entered and what other entries you've made.


If the TurboTax Online navigation described above doesn't look like what you're experiencing, see the TurboTax Help article Why does the TurboTax navigation menu look different for me?.


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