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How to input taxable scholarship income in Turbo Tax?

Last year, I received scholarships totaling up to $12,923, but tuition and related expenses only cost $6469.14 resulting in my receiving a refund from the university of $6453.86. I know this is considered taxable income, but the only place to input my 1098-T form is in the education/deductions area and not in the income area and Turbo Tax is not adding the difference to my income. How do I report the remaining $6453.86 as income in turbo tax? I am not seeing a way to add income without inputting a form (I only have the 1098-T, which isn't an option to choose from in the income area, but I don't have anything else). Is there some other form that the University should have sent me? Is there some other form I have to fill out?


I am self-employed, mostly paid in cash/check, and also had a contractor position that gave me a 1099-NEC to file with. 


Also, I'm using the "premium" online edition of turbo tax, but for some reason that's not an option to select in the post