Small Estate - filing requirements if any

My Aunt passed away mid 2024. Her only income was her Social Security and a small RMD from her IRA. Her IRA listed a cousin as the sole beneficiary and it was successfully transferred to her as an inherited IRA.


She owned no property, I was named in her will as executor.  She had a checking and savings account at the time of death. 


As the executor I filed a Voluntary Administration (simplified probate) in NYS and acquired a EIN.


My question is what, if anything do I need to file and by when?


If I interpret the references below correctly I believe:

  • I do not need to file a 1041 as she had been below the income threshold for years and had not filed a 1040 for at least 5 years.
  • I do not need to file a 706 as the remaining balance of her savings+checking after final expenses falls below the threshold  of  $13,610,000 for 2024


Thanks in advance for confirming or correcting my understanding...


References:  this Q&A

and this IRS page of