Level 15
Level 15

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Here are two ways to do a search. Either one should work.

1. At the very bottom of the TurboTax Assistant window it says "Type or ask something." See the screen shot below. Click on those words and you will get a cursor that allows you to type what you want to search for. Then click the send arrow on the right or press Enter. If you get a response that says "Jump directly to ...," click on that.


Digital Assistant search.png


2. Sign out of your TurboTax account. On the File menu (not the File tab) select "Signed in as Frank145." Then click Sign Out, and click Sign Out again to confirm it. After you sign out, when you click Search at the top right you will get a Sign In window. Do not sign in. Click the X in the top right corner to close the Sign In window. Then you will get the old-style search window with the search bar at the top where you can type your search.