Returning Member

Turbo tax doesnt take my lower 2022 MAGI for EV credit

I am divorced and file as Head-of-household /Single every alternate year. So 2022 I filed as HoH as I claimed my child as dependent and as a result my MAGI was within the income limits for EV credit ( < $225,000). In 2023, I am filing as single so my MAGI doesn't qualify for EV credit as the income is higher than the Single filer limit of $150,000. Turbo tax takes my 2022 MAGI and disqualifies me since in the current year(2023) I am filing as single. How do I get Turbo tax to use my MAGI from 2022 with my status of HoH and not single so I can rightfully qualify for my EV credit. Appreciate any help. Thanks