Implications of acquisition/ stock conversion on taxes

I'm part of the B'com acquisition of VMW. It looks like I owe a chunk of $, and I have questions. Ironically, I engaged a live specialist on TT who didn't know much about this.

-I see on my payslips in Dec that I was granted $64k total in stock. It appears to be couched as ordinary income, it was taxed, but not vested yet, so came in as $0 into my bank after post-tax deductions. I am sure this is why I owe - maybe they didn't take out enough tax?

-Sale happened 11/22/23

-Cash + stock: ~48% of your VMW shares were automatically sold for cash at $142.50 (avg cost basis for those = $121)

- 52% of shares converted to B'com using a 0.252 ratio

- Since the old VMW shares that formed the basis for these 2 activities had already been taxed, why am I paying tax for them again? Or is it just the capital gain?

- The TT specialist didn't have advice on what to do to see if I owe so much, or if I need to correct anything. I am not even sure what I would be correcting. Is my W2 wrong?