Anyone else have the same issues I had?

I've used Turbotax for almost 20 years and this is the first time I've been unhappy with it.  I honestly believe there are deep bugs in this year's version. 


I finished entering our income and expenses (my wife has a retirement gig working with students) and got to the Review and it came back saying there were 4 items I needed to check.

All our IRA’s and investment accounts are at Vanguard.  We have two accounts for which we get 1099-DIV’s.  One is in her name alone, the other is in both our names.  They are not hard to enter into TurboTax and I finished with them yesterday.  The first item TT wanted me to check was one of them, and there was a dropdown box at the top, which had my name showing, but neither account is in my name alone, so which one was TT talking about???  I selected her name and went on to the next page.  There, the boxes for the data were empty and highlighted in pink and I was told I should enter the appropriate amounts.  BUT I ALREADY DID YESTERDAY and I am not mistaking that. 


So I backed out and went back to Income and Expenses, and there were the two 1099-DIV’s, with the right data in them. 


I tried the Review again and got the same result.  I was in an endless loop.  I called for Support and the agent got me out of it but after she was done, I went on to finish but I had to go through more checking before I could file, and again there was something I was supposed to fix, and this time I was to enter data for my wife’s student business, which again I had already entered earlier.  This time when I went in to see, I found there were dollar values from last year’s taxes entered where I know I entered this years amounts. 

And two of the expense categories that had dollar amounts last year had no such expenses this year.  TT insisted that I enter this year’s amounts for those categories anyway. 


And here’s the worst – I tried to just delete those empty categories, there’s a trash can icon for that.  I thought that would solve the problem.  I got a big BIG warning box asking did I really want to do that.  I clicked yes, and when I returned to the page the categories I just said yes to delete were still there and still marked NEEDS REVIEW.  I could not delete them, it wasn’t possible.


Well, there were other issues just as maddening but I’m worn out with this, so I will let you go.


Sigh …..