Two Desktop Licenses Required for Married Couples Filing Together - Can Tax Data Files Still Be Shared?

Intuit now requires married couples to each have their own separately paid copies and licenses of Turbo Tax if each person is entering tax data even if they are going to file jointly at the end. The question, can the tax files still be transferred and shared between two different licenses copies?


In the past, one partner started the annual tax forms by entering their data. Then we copied the files to the other partner's computer and finished the data entry. Then filed through Trubo Tax.  We have very complicated 1040 with lots of schedules. The data cannot be entered and tax forms be prepared by one person alone. This is NOT about online files or Turbo Tax Online. This is about the desktop tax files.


Sadly we learned that each of us is now required to have separate Intuit accounts and separately licensed copies of Turbo Tax. Will our method of separately data entry still work? Does Intuit lock the files to just one Inuit account so there is no longer sharing of data entry duty?