2024 tax identity issue

OK I’m having the same issue with taxes I filed February 2 and then I checked the progress and status bar says “recieved”.  couple days later it says IRS needs further info on identity.  Got message days later than I had to go on  IDme.come. they contact me through email and had me to do video and show my ID l, lmy face, and my social card.  I thought I was good nothing ever popped up and go check status few days later and then find out it has disappeared. So letter never came and I called the IRS and had to order another letter. And if you have to deal with this same issue then you eont wybth ureceive that letter until 21 days after you file so I didn’t get my letter until I think it was March 17. It been 2 weeks since I proved identity and still no status update on mine. Not even recieved!!

I’ve been reading online there’s been people that been waiting for two years. there’s been people waiting for a year,week, , since last tax year.  So fingers crossed. This isn’t fair. Like I’m being punished for something I DIDNT DO!!

I’m in desperate need of a vehicle so I can keep my home and a job. Not it looks like no money sooner than end of April or longer