Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Let me be very specific...can I get the exact form and/or lines from the Federal return where TurboTax is pulling  information to input or calculate line 1 of Michigan Schedule 1? 


This line adds income to the Michigan tax return, which is then taxed.  It is not sufficient to simply "hope" Turbotax has the correct number, ESPECIALLY WHEN it is know that sometimes changes made to the federal return cause issues in the transfer to the state return. If TurboTax can tell us how line 1 is calculated, then it is easy to go back to check if it is accurate.  


Again, I've spent over an hour on the phone with support who are unhelpful.  Just need someone to give directions on where that number is coming from.  If not, consider it a programming error and allow users to change the number on the form instead of locking it in.


Help still needed!