Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Hi... hoping you or someone can confirm what Turbo Tax is telling us for my 19 yr old son's state (Maryland) return.


From his W2, my son earned $25,390 in 2023 (box 1) and he had $1,952 in federal tax withheld (box 2) and $1,860 from state (box 17).  Your estimate earlier of $780 was pretty close to what he's getting back but TurboTax is tell us he is getting back only $133 from Maryland.  His return is pretty simple and only has ~$25 in interest/dividends.  Do you think his Maryland refund is correct or did I do something wrong and should start over?


Also, he is a Welder.  Can he claim expenses for his return? or because he is getting the standard deduction, it wouldn't matter if he put in expenses (like a welding helmet for example and other things) unless they were extensive in cost?


Thanks in advance, 

Rob S.