Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Separate email address and separate computers must be what allows me to file more than 5.  I help my three daughters, my very very senior parents, my disabled sister, my very very senior aunt and myself using two computers. Each return is efiled using the tax payors email address and phone number.  I simply help walk them through the process of answering questions, but ultimately, it is there return and thus emails and phone numbers are entered unique to the person.  The Turbo Tax product is purchased and used under my account and per their rules, I can load it on up to 5 computers and file as many returns as I want, I just can't email more than 5 (from my email address) and I don't; however all but two come from my IP address because they come to my house for the help.  With my two Florida daughters, I help them when I visit and thus use their IP address.  So that may be the reason why I have no issues filing more than 5; albeit from the program, not from my email address.