Oklahoma non resident return

I have oil and mineral royalties from Oklahoma.  I have filed OK income before.  I have a problem with the current 2023 Oklahoma income tax form TT has created.  Here are the steps in the very beginning and where I get lost...

  • Transferred Federal info , fine and dandy
  • Chose non-resident (never have been a resident)
  • TT asks if I filed a Ok return in 2022, yes I did
  • TT asks did the name/address change, no it did not
  • This is where it gets dicy:  The next question TT asks is:  Enter the portion earned while a RESIDENT.

Duh, I am filing a non resident form.  I am stuck here in the early stages of completing the Oklahoma return.  Any help will be very welcomed!  I have no idea at this point where to enter the amount of my royalties.