Incorrect calculation of tax penalty for California taxpayers with relief due to last winter's storms?

According to IR-2023-189, the IRS postponed tax deadlines last year for most California taxpayers to Nov. 16, 2023.  This postponement included the payment of quarterly estimated tax payments normally due on April 18, June 15 and Sept. 15.   I am in one of the California counties covered by this IRS relief.  I paid my estimated taxes for Q1, Q2 and Q3 all at the same time in October 2023.  If I enter this into Turbo Tax as a single payment on the actual date I paid in October, there is a substantial tax penalty calculated.  If I do an experiment where I split the amount up into 3 equal amounts and enter the values as if I had paid them on April 18, June 15 and Sept. 15, there is no penalty calculated.   Is Turbo Tax calculating the tax penalty incorrectly, or am I making a mistake somehow in my data entry?  I shouldn't owe any tax penalty if I'm interpreting the IRS announcement correctly.