Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Well, we tried again and same result.  I have screenshots attached.   What should she answer when it comes to the 2nd screenshot if she is my dependent.  Should she answer NO here to not be presented with the screens to enter a 1095???


Screenshot 1 is the info section with her being claimed as a dependent for 2023. 


Screenshot 2 asks if you had insurance via ACA.  NOTE THE INSTRUCTIONS and it saying did YOU receive a 1095 OR (pay attention to the OR) YOU, your child, spouse, or other dependent had marketplace insurance.  I think this is an incorrect statement and should be fixed.  Shouldn't that say YOU only if you are not claimed as a dependent or something like if you are claimed as a dependent on another taxpayers return answer NO to this question..  If you answer yes I do on this screen you go to the rabbit hole on a 1095 or certification you didn't receive one.  


Screenshot 3 is the rabbit hole I mentioned.

