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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

The federal government and all the states are all releasing new forms all day and we are trying to add them as they are released. One year, one state was still adding forms after the due date. We have to go by what the governments give us.


You have missed the point. This is not what people are complaining about. The problem is that TT wants to reload the same update over and over and over and over again. Although I have yet to see this in the 2023 version, TT was still doing this with H&B 2022.


I have posted the correct solution before and will do so again. Under the TurboTax menu, click on Check for Updates. If the app hadn't updated properly, you will see the latest in the window that opens up. Run that and you will be good. 


This should not be news to TT Support. I got this from them over 10 years ago.


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