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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

You are talking about 2FA.   That is not the problem.


The problem.  Once you are in the application on Windows, there are certain actions where the application presents a pop-up window to sign in again before you can complete whatever you are trying to do.   I know of two cases off the top of my head.... One when you install the new release.  Two... when you file your taxes.   In both cases, the pop-up window requestion you to enter your user-id and password, you have to type in the user-id and password manually.   It does not work with a password manager nor can you copy and paste the userid or password into the fields.   The same user-id and password you used to log into the application in the first place.   It is simply bad design by the creator.   I have over 42 years of experience in IT.  The designer did not take security into consideration when they created the specs for how the transaction should flow from a user perspective.    Security and how it fits with the design of the application IS part of the overall specifications...... not an afterthought.