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Can I get help with an unexpected charge from a health insurance company that billed me even though I had another provider all year? I now owe taxes due to this issue.

So I had Caresource in 2020 when I returned to the us and couldn’t afford insurance. I became a teacher in 2021 and got “real” health insurance through Humana in 2022 and was using them - or so I thought- all year. Apparently I was being billed for various things like hospital visits and prescriptions through Caresource at times (even though I canceled that insurance) and I now owe almost 2k in taxes due to this discrepancy. I’m dumbfounded and unsure what to do. As a teacher my salary doesn’t allow me to repay taxes especially in the amount more than my paycheck. I need help, fast! I filed an extension hoping I could clear it up with no luck. Any advice on what I can do?