Answering "Describe Partnership Disposal" Question For a Final K-1

I received the first and final 2022 Partnership Form 1065 Schedule K-1 for a partnership that closed in 2022 where I was a limited partner. Unfortunately the only investment made by the partnership turned out to be unsuccessful and my whole contribution to the partnership was lost. So there is a net long-term capital loss (box 9a) and the ending capital account is zero (box L). Which option should I pick in response to the "Describe Partnership Disposal" question?

  1. No Entry
  2. Complete disposition
  3. Disposition was not via sale
  4. Sold and am receiving payments

I'm guessing #4 isn't applicable so I'm looking for help to pick between #1-3. Options #2-3 are asking for a sale date in subsequent questions but there was no actual sale since the entire investment resulted in a loss.


Thank you