Business use of your home, excess mortgage interest and excess real estate taxes

My 1098 reflects Box 1 mortgage interest = $31,731; Outstanding mortgage=$853,483; Property taxes=$27,194; Insurance paid=$4,279


TurboTax Schedule A indicates Mortgage interest=$25,101 (limited due to >$750,000:

Real Estate taxes = $27,194 and overall limited to $10,000.


My question deals with Line 10 Deductible mortgage interest......should that be $31,731 or $25,101 in the column B Indirect expenses?

Line 16 Excess Mortgage Interest.....$0 or $6,630 in column B Indirect expenses?

Line 11 Real Estate taxes.....$27,194 column B Indirect?

Line 17 Excess Real Estate taxes?

Line 18 Insurance.....$4279 in column B Indirect?


Will any elections in this area impact Schedule A?