J1 Intern 183 Rule - Fourth J1 - Please Help

Hello my friends. First of all, thank you for your attention.


I have a question related to being a resident or non resident alien to file my 2022 taxes. I'm currently under my fourth J1 here in the US. The first one happened in 2015 (Dec/2015 to Mar/2016 - J1 Summer Work and Travel - around 15 days in 2015 and 75 days in 2016) - second in 2018 (Dec/2018 to Mar/2019 - J1 Summer Work and Travel - around 15 days in 2018 and 75 days in 2019) - third in 2019 (Aug/2019 to Aug/2020 - J1 Internship - around 120 days in 2019 and 240 days in 2020) and fourth, now (May 2022 to May 2023 - J1 Internship - at the end, around 240 days in 2022 and 120 in 2023).


Based on that, am I considered a resident or non resident alien for tax purposes? I couldn't figure it out if I am considered exempt or not.. can you give please help me out? I will be using TurboTax if I'm considered resident.


Thank you so much!