How do I file Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets?
by TurboTax•242• Updated 2 months ago
Filing Form 8938 is only available to those using TurboTax Deluxe or higher. To get to the 8938 section in TurboTax, follow these steps:
- Open or continue your return.
- Navigate to the 8938 section:
- TurboTax Online/Mobile: Go to 8938.
- TurboTax Desktop: Search for 8938 and select the Jump to link.
- On the Foreign Financial Assets screen, select Yes, I have foreign financial assets.
- Carefully follow the onscreen instructions. If you need Form 8938, we'll fill it out for you.
Note: Foreign real estate isn't considered a foreign financial asset, nor are foreign investments (if owned through a US brokerage or listed on a US exchange) or money in a foreign branch of a US bank. Form 8938 isn't required in these situations.
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