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How do I edit or delete the sale of a business property I've already entered (Form 4797)?

by TurboTax176 Updated 2 months ago

To edit or delete the sale of a business property you've already entered:

  1. Open or continue your return.
  2. Navigate to the sale of business property section:
    • TurboTax Online/Mobile: Go to sale of business property.
    • TurboTax Desktop: Search for sale of business property (use this exact phrase—copy/paste if necessary) and then select the Jump to link.
  3. On the Any Other Property Sales? screen, make sure the first checkbox is selected and choose Continue.
  4. The next screen, Sales of Business or Rental Property, should display Edit and Delete buttons next to all the properties you've already entered.
  5. Select the appropriate button and follow the onscreen instructions to either edit or delete the info on Form 4797.