home office in two states

I changed residency in 2022 from New York State to Florida and, included in this move, was a change in my consulting LLC registration from NY to FL.    I now own homes in both states and maintain a home office in each home.   The company I presently do consulting work for is located in CA and this is the sole source of my business income. 


My question is “Do I need to file income tax with NYS?”    I maintain a home office in the state for 5 months of the year, but the income is earned in CA and I pay nonresident tax to CA.  


My reading of the tax code is that I should file a nonresident NYS tax and apportion 5/12 of my 2022 business income and 5/12 of my paid CA income tax with this filing.   Is this correct?     The home office size and office expenses are different for the two locations.   Do I apportion 5/12 of the total for NY or is this handled differently?    So how do I handle all of this in TurboTax?