Tax Lien on tax owed 12 years ago

Hi, I am in the process of refinancing my home but was told I have a 2015 tax lien for a federal civil penalty or tax owed. I logged into the IRS portal and it shows that debt is from 2012 and the lien happened 2 and half years later. Now, It is my understanding they can no longer pursue collection because the tax date was 2012 but the lien can be renewed therefor they continue to charge me interest and it effectively overrides the statute of limitations. I can no longer see a transcript because those are only accessible for 10 years. The IRS did present my lender with a lien payoff but I guess I am wondering if I should pay it. I mean it wasn't for actual income tax it was an Individual Responsibility assessment that was attached to my account when a business I partnered in folded and owed taxes. Crazy because I had nothing to do with the money but somehow got assessed and was told I signed this IR. I do not remember doing that either.. Any advice.