Closing a Credit card

I have paid off my visa but I still have to pay like $10 a month for fees. I don't even have a card anymore cause it expired and they wanted me to pay for a new one and I won't. I want to close this account but will it hurt my credit score?

Debt management



Hi Jules - I hear this a lot from clients that are scared to take the next step after cutting up their credit card(s), and closing their accounts.


Your credit score represents your ability to take on debt and pay it off. That's all. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen prey to the belief that you MUST. HAVE. A. CREDIT SCORE.  I am here to tell you, that is false.  You can save your money and pay cash for the stuff you want to buy, including a car. And for some, even a house. Yes, I have seen and heard some people bust their butts and save save save like mad, and pay over $100,000 for their house


Others will argue you need a credit score to get a mortgage.  That's because so few lenders offer manual underwriting, where they look at the whole of you, not just your credit score. It's more work for them. Easy? Nope. It takes more effort, but it is possible.  


Simplistic thinking? Maybe. But I live and work in the real world as do my clients, without worrying about a credit score. When you pay cash, you don't need a score. When you pay cash, you have bargaining power. 

If you'd like to get help with this, go to [removed] and schedule a phone appointment and we'll go from there. 


Good luck,

