Form 5805 Part 1 1st Quarter Amounts you entered do not equal total withholding on line 3 . The witholding amount on line 3 shows 804.

First quarter 04/15/2019 Shows 18000
Second Quarter 150000
Third Quarter 20000
Fourth Quarter 80000
The systems is asking me to change the first quarter amount . Anything else is blocked to change

Retirement tax questions


Are you trying to enter your _estimated tax_ payments under the withholding section?  Those are entered in the Federal Taxes section in the Deductions and Credits subsection for Estimates.  Line 3 would include just W2 and a few other third party withholdings, e.g. from 1099-SSA and 1099-R optional retirement income withholding.

Returning Member

Retirement tax questions

The same issue found in my 2020 return.  It looks like TurboTax software bug...


Can Turbo Tax expert help us? Very urgent!


Thanks, George