New Member

There seems to be a bug when entering sales tax rate for major purchases with 2 different tax rates. TurboTax is not adding up the 2 correctly.

I had a major home renovation and paid sales tax on product under 2 different tax rates depending on where I got my product/service.  Either 9.1% or 9.7%.  Using easy guide to enter major renovation purchases the instructions say "Use Add to enter additional locations or multiple rates for the same location. Use Edit to change the sales tax rate or to add major purchases for a location already listed."

So, I included my purchase for the 9.1% and total matches what I expected.

Now I added in a second line for the purchases in the same state at 9.7%.  The total taxes paid now shows wrong total for the 2 combined.  Total should be $5360, but its showing $9470.

If I don't add in the second row at 9.7% and just move those items to the 9.1%, it won't let me take the deduction because the rates don't match.

New Member

State tax filing

Some additional information.  It appears that when I added in line 2 for the 9.7%, even though I only added in 2 deductions, turbotax is duplicating in the background all the values I entered in line 1 at the 9.1% rate.  A definite bug when trying to enter 2 tax rates for the same state for major sales tax deductions.