After you file

 my husband and I filed 5th of January it was accepted and I'm not quite sure what's going on everybody else with a refund date on the update today except us we don't have any more messages no codes nothing path is gone text topics on it just says it's being processed but when we call H&R Block it says it's been completed we're confused maybe we should have went with TurboTax should we be worried about something

After you file

My response was for @nortonkd (please see my previous comment) not for you @prudieslade. I would hope everyone that’s filing worked that’s how you get taxes but Turbo Tax was doing advances up to $2000 until February 7th. 

After you file

My son’s father did the same thing never went through 

After you file

Yes my sister did and she still has gotten hers

Returning Member

After you file

i have filed my taxes on the 24th got it accepeted on the 27th and im still waiting for my refund should had got them on the 17th but now it is the 23th so what is going on


New Member

After you file

Did u get your refund? Or did your refund status ever change to approved?

After you file

Still processing, no bars. 1/20 filed, 1/127 accepted. 570 code, and 971 code on transcript, but no Notice sent. Still no update. I’m calling a tax advocate in my town Monday. You can check on

After you file

After the 21 days are up, it automatically goes to processing if they haven’t released the funds I read. Should check your tax account transcript on usually you can see the codes and see what they mean. Or call a tax advocate through your state. You can check on irs As well. I’m going through the same thing. 

After you file

this is the weekend their office is closed  so calling won't help you just have to wait till Monday the  24th it's suppose to update again .. hopefully...we can get  a DDD

After you file

i had filed on 24 it was accepted 27 ...had one bar and code 152 ..on Feb 15 cause of eitc it updated to no bar and just saids  processing  it's been like that  then code disappears now only were processing . Don't look like it's been accessed since .so hopefully whoever hands it's in  I pray Yahweh  hurrys them up.

After you file

Mine was like that until Friday night then changed to 2/26 deposit you might be on a weekly rotation so should change Monday or Tuesday night

After you file

@prudieslade experience this year I noticed the same chain of events. So what that says to me is that now your return is officially processing. If you have no bars no tax topic then my belief is next Saturday you should see a DDD with an update  

After you file

Wrong. I file 1/27. Accepted 1/27. One bar, topic 152. 2/6 went to path. 2/16 path lifted. Says processing. No bars. And guess what as of 2/23 it's the same. No bars and a we are processing your refund message. So dont go by what everyone else is saying. And dont go by what happening to their stuff. As you well know they ain't got a problem taking money but boy they got a problem getting it out. And from what I've seen it dont matter when ya file people who filed in late February already got DDDs but some of us who filed way earlier have basic processing message. Good luck to all may the odds be ever in your favor. 

After you file

Haven’t got my refund and never changed to approved. First year this bs happens to me. Only difference this year is that I did them online for free with turbo tax instead it paying an agency hundreds of dollars for years 

After you file

Path Act was implemented in 2017. It protects from fraud. They get more time to look over. And basically they get to check that no one else claimed your kids and you didnt make a mistake. Make sure you read it. It pretty specific and can explain way better but it protects from fraud. On both sides.