Why won't Turbo Tax will download from It's deductible?

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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

1. Once you have logged into It'sDeductible, enter all your information and save it.

2. Then you want to log out of your Turbo Tax account.

3. Now, log back in and click on "Take me to my return".

4. Go to the left and click on "Federal".

5. This should open the options to click on "Deductions", near the top.

6. Click on Deductions and it should ask you to import from ItsDeductible.

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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

This will only work if you already have its deductible and turbo tax under the same login.  If you are using two different logins, you are out of luck.  There is no way to link the accounts because TurboTax has decided not to let you import from your former its deductible account
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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Apparently that's only true with TurboTax online.  It does not work with the locally installed version.