CA - why is Schedule CA(540) getting generated when I selected standard deduction on my Federal return? Same with Schedule P(AMT) when AMT is 0. I have a desktop version.

Intuit Alumni

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TT Calif supports only Form 540 for Calif resident returns - Form 540 2EZ hasn't been supported for a couple of years or so now due to low usage.

Schedule P has a complicated set of rules for when it should be a part of a filed return. You've said there is no AMT (line 26 is 0) but there are other rules about: a credit(s) being reduced by tentative minimum tax (see Part III); the number of certain credits having > $0 amounts; components of Part I summing to < 0; other Part I components summing to > line 22; and a few others. So, if it's a part of your return then the FTB expects it to be there.

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Hi Terry, Thank you for the response. I guess my question is, why is it getting generated in the first place when i selected standard deduction?
Intuit Alumni

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Why is the Form 540 generated when you select the standard deduction? It doesn't matter if you itemize or take the standard deduction - the 540 is used in both cases.

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i'm sorry for my confusion. I meant to say Schedule CA (540), not Form 540. It is generated even if selected standard deduction on both Federal and State.
Intuit Alumni

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Oh, there are a few scenarios in which the Sch CA will be part of the return:
* If lines 22 or 36 have a subtraction or addition amount, or
* Form 3801 is in the return, or
* Form 540 line 18 doesn't equal your standard deduction

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